This is the official YouTube channel for Samira Said, undisputed Queen of Arabic pop music. Site dedicated to promoting Diva Samira Said -- for loyal fans wishing to support one-of-a-kinds like Diva Samira by paying for their music and asking them to add your city to their tours, no matter where you are in the world. The official YouTube channel for Samira Said, will be adding videos of Samira on the road promoting her new album Days of My Life ( أيام حياتي ), new and vintage music videos, and other great content. So check back often. Come in and see the Diva Samira Said You Tube Channel -- a feast for the eyes and ears! The official YouTube channel for Samira Said, thanks all of our subscribers and their friends, as well as each and every Samira fan site, channel and company that has made videos and other material available. Samira-related links to make sure to check out:
www.ayamhayati-samirasaid.blog spot.com